
I’m a PhD student at the Lincoln Centre for Autonomous Systems (L-CAS), University of Lincoln (UK). My direct advisors are Prof. Nicola Bellotto and Prof. Marc Hanheide.

I graduated from Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) with a MSc in “Control Engineering” advised by Prof. Antonio Carcaterra and, with a BSc in “Computer Science and Control Engineering” advised by Prof. Alessandro De Luca.

Between my MSc. studies and the current position, I worked for 1 year as test engineer at Ferrari (Italy) and, for 1.5 year as sofware specialist at Metapack Engineering (Italy).

You can find my complete resume here .


I am currently involved in the European H2020 DARKO project. My research focuses in Causal Inference applied to Human-Robot Spatial Interaction (HRSI). In more detail, my research aims to enable robots to learn the effects of their behaviors by observing how humans react to the robot’s actions and enhancing the quality of the interaction by exploiting the acquired causal knowledge.